Yo, it's yours truly, the Phoenix Johnson, once again babbling about some stuff you might find interesting.
In case you do, keep reading.
If not, check out this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV-7cDCx_dI&feature=related
Now, there's two things right now.
I got told that needed a new name for one of my moves in FSP and my third annual barbecue is coming up.
If you don't know yet, I'm playing host once a year at the last of June, going into July 1 (USA, baby! USA!), inviting all the guys and chicks who keep the Lounge and the spirit of Gooma rolling to a BBQ, all free of charge.
This year, however, I wanna invite my extended family of the pro wrestling world, too, so I've already prepared invitations for the guys at FireStar Pro.
And YOU can be part of this very festivity, too!
How, you ask?
As I already said, I need a new name for a move, because whenever I do the crosslegged sitout scoop slam piledriver at FSP house shows, the announcing team can barely get the anme out properly in the middle of a match.
Now guess why I haven't really used that one on TV, lol.
I've seen CIMA use the move as a Perfect Driver, and ya, it's catchy, but yours truly needs something special.
So, send me your suggestions via mail (e-mail, doh) or comments right here at the blog. I'll be choosing in a week or so and the winner will get to be part of the annual Gooma-BBQ!
Sound's good? All expenses paid, flight and stay and all that! Sounds better, huh? lol.
What you waiting for? Get crackin'!
Oh, I almost forgot: Don't post your adress or anything in the comments, I'll get in contact with the winner.. privacy is cool, keep it!
AntwortenLöschenSo, why don't you call it the "Gooma Driver"? Jus' my Dime it, pal. Catch ya next Show in London.